Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Before leaving Penang for home

I made a clip before leaving for airport in Penang. This video only showed sketches done in the two Etchr Accodion Sketchbooks and people I met on the day after Asia Link Sketchwalk was over.

I met Tony for breakfast at Victoria Garden Hotel and also Onion Oh from Suwon, Korea in the hotel lobby. Then I went to Yap Kongsi to sketch with Hendriko, now residing in Jarkata. We had lunch at Jawi House, a Michelin resaturant. Hendriko and I also met and sketched with Hong Keng Wong, originally from Singapore but stayed in Perth for the last 40 years. Not to mention I also met a group of talented ladies from Shanghai espeically Da Niang (大娘) with her powerful sketches.

Also sketching at the same road I found Pramote and Sutien from Bangkok and Jarence Yoong, the pretty volunteer from the organising team, forgot to take a photo with her. So happening!