Wednesday, September 04, 2024

House of Tan Yeok Nee

This was the last sketch not the last page done on Bao Hong Concertina Sketchbook that I forgot to post. It was cold press square 300gm watercolour paper that I had to get used to it. Bao Hong papers from China are cheaper compared to other establisehd brands.

It was done on the same day when we had our Sketchwalk at Istana Park. It was a special invitation to visit the House of Tan Yeok Nee before another major renovation by the new owner. Thanks to Associate Professor Yeo Kang Shua from SUTD for the arrangement. We were told we would be invited back when it is fully restored with an airconditioned cafe. Can't wait for that day to see this manificient building again.

The House of Tan Yeok Nee (Chinese: 陈旭年宅第 or 陈旭年大厦) is a mansion building located at the junction of Penang Road and Clemenceau Avenue in Singapore. When I was young, I remember this house was the headquarter of The Salvation Army for the longest time till 1991. After an extensive restoration completed in 2000, it was held by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Then I also remember it was occupied by a Chinese Medical Hall before it was the Singapore campus for Amity Global Institute. In 2022, it was sold to the family of the Indonesian tycoon Bachtiar Karim.

The House of Tan Yeok Nee is a fine example of traditional Teochew architecture. More history of House of Tan Yeok Nee at this link.

Baohong Organ Sketchbook
Size: 510 x 170mm