“USK10x10+ASEAN50” – a sketching event and “We Draw ASEAN Together” – an art exhibition
In a collaboration with International Relations Department of Temasek Polytechnic, Urban Sketchers Singapore presented USk10x10+ASEAN50, a week-long series of workshops and activities celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the global Urban Sketchers community that also commemorated the golden jubilee of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It is also held in conjunction with Global Community Day 2017 held at Glocal Connect Village at Temasek Polytechnic.
These milestones were observed together in an eight-day programme from 1 to 8 July, where about 100 participants signed up for over 10 workshops, as well as a mass sketchwalk kicked off from the URA Centre that saw 150 sketchers from ASEAN cities drawing Ann Siang Hill and Club Street on the final day of the programme.
7 instructors from Southeast Asia cities and 5 instructors from Singapore were engaged to conduct 10 workshops and mass sketchwalk at about 10 indoor and outdoor locations namely Temasek Polytechnic, Waterloo Street, Queen Street, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Kampong Glam, The POD at National Library Board, Little India, Chinatown, Bukit Pasoh, Club Street and Ann Siang Hill. While the workshops and the final mass sketchwalk were creating an opportunity with regional and global reach; an exhibition with about 200 sketches were mounted at the Art Gallery at Glocal Connect Village, Temasek Polytechnic entitled “We Draw ASEAN Together” showcased the ASEAN instructors’ work alongside submissions from sketchers in the region. We are expecting around 1000 visitors to the ArtGallery@GCV when the exhibition ends on 31 August, 2017.
More details can be found at http://10x10.usk.sg