I still have a Flickr Pro account but it is neglected for a very long time. I just scanned and uploaded my recent sketches and this is the screen shot of those sketches in collage.
Visit my flickr Pro to see more at https://www.flickr.com/photos/tia_studio.
Looking at the sketch collage, there are wide variety of topics from landscape, building, cafe, train, exterior, interior to figurative subjects. There are ballpoint pen, fountain pen, black ink, blue ink, brown ink, watercolours, washes and brushes. There are dots, lines, shapes, colours, textures, tones etc etc. However, there is one common thing these sketches share is the fact that they are all done in ONE old stock of Moleskine A6 sketchbook, double spread.
Another common point is that they are done fairly quick from 10 to 45 minutes. Like this simple line sketch at the Bar at National University of Singapore Society (NUSS), it took probably only 20 minutes to complete, no colours and no tonal values, the lines and blacks bring out the layers and spatial quality of the sketch.