Junction of Campbell Street and Cintra Street at Chinatown, Penang.
350x350mm ink and watercolour
We sat outside the corner of Campbell St and Cintra St in Chinatown. The Rolex shop was not open yet in the early morning and we were all hiding in the shade under the scorching sun. Then I noticed a women clicking away with her iPad non-stop. She broke the silence and started talking to Jenny Tsai from Taipei. She introduced herself as Ms Wong and she was the lady boss of the Rolex shop!!! She is also from Taiwan! Jenny and Ms Wong struck the same chord and Jenny got an instant discount for a Rolex lady watch at RM$24,000. Of course no sketcher was ready to pay that kind of money. We were all happy to complete the sketches. Ms Wong was nice to offer us drinks, toilet breaks and lots of photo takings with what else, her iPad. Once again, this showed that 'sketching is a social activity'. We later had our lunch at the traditional dim sum shop a few doors away and again, some sketchers were sketching the food that started a lively interaction between the waiters and some other folks in the shop.