The turn out for the SketchCrawl this morning was very encouraging, we have 7 people. One of them was Khoo from Penang. He was here attending the Singapore Watercolour Society 40th Annual Exhibition and it was timely for him to join us. Khoo is also an accomplished artist who knows Ch'ng Kiah Kien, USk correspondent from Penang, Malaysia. Both had met Asnee, USk correspondent from Bangkok with details here.
As many of us only met each other for the very first time, we spent more time networking at the cozy couch corner at BooksActually at 86, Club Street after first round of sketching around the vacinity. We were sharing sketching gear, tips and flipping through our sketchbooks. Thank you Kenny and Karen from BooksActually for allowing us to use their cozy couch corner for the sketchers' exchange, the Singapore style.
It was a good session that we made new friends who share the same passion about location drawings. The first sketch was done together with our new friends at Club Street. The second sketch was done at a street nearer to my house on my way home on this World SketchCrawl Day.
Please visit urbansketchers-singapore for more sketches. Here are some pictures.