Thursday, April 30, 2020

Pop-up Books

Day 24 CIRCUIT•sketch•BREAK

I am a sucker for pop-up books and one of my favourites is a book entitled "Welcome to the Neighbourwood" by Shawn Sheehy. This is the third copy I bought, one for a friend's grandson, one for my granddaughters and one for myself. I also collected a few pop-up books by Robert Sabuda although they appear to be more commercialised like the one here on the left corner of the sketch.

This is a page on Hummingbird.

"Hummingbird - A master of craftsbirdship.
Hummingbird begins her nest by forming a cup out of plant pieces. Then she uses her beak to weave in a sticky silk fibre that holds the nest together. To hide the nest from enemies, she covers it with lichens. A soft lining of fluff from dandelions or bulrushes makes the nest cosy and warm.

The sticky silk fibre that Hummingbird uses is provided by her eight-legged neighbour."